wi-tribe: Pay Your Bill and Win 6 Months of Free Internet
wi-tribe is giving away free internet for just paying you bill.
This means either customers aren’t paying their dues or WiMAX operators are already feeling the heat of 3G.
But whatever the case, customer is going to win here.
To be part of this amazing offer, I am sure you would desperately want to, all you have to do is pay your outstanding bill by 29th February 2012 and automatically enter for a chance to be 1 of 100 lucky winners. Yes, there would 100 winners to enjoy free internet for next 6 months.
Winners will be announced on wi-tribe’s Facebook page on 5th March 2012.
- Free internet will include a 100% waiver of monthly line rent (MLR) only
- Any amount exceeding the MLR will be paid by the customer
- Only full payments made before 29th February will be included in the draw