wi-tribe Sponsors Islamabad Deaf Cricket Association
In an effort to continue building community blocks, wi-tribe Pakistan shares its latest CSR initiative that is comprised of a partnership with the Islamabad Deaf Cricket Association (IDCA).
wi-tribe is supporting the team members’ uniforms, travel, accommodation and sports kits for two major gaming events, among others.
The team has played one game as hosts in Islamabad and is currently participating in the 2012 National Championship Tournament, being held in Lahore.
“At wi-tribe, we hold an unequivocal belief that each member of the society should be given equal opportunities and platforms to discover and build upon their strengths. We remind ourselves that each and every human is special in their own way, and our nation will prosper only if we focus on enriching strengths and helping our communities realize their dreams. This is a continuing philosophy for all of us at wi-tribe and we wish our team great success and sporting satisfaction in all their future games,” said Zohare Haider, Manager of Corporate & Digital Communications at wi-tribe Pakistan.