Friday, March 2, 2012

TimeLine For Facebook Fans Page

On March 30th Facebook will be rolling out the new Pages layout. You can preview the new changes now by heading to your page and clicking the Preview option at the top
You will be able to create a Cover Photo at the top of your Fan page just like you would with your personal page.
Cover photos are 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels tall. If you upload an image that’s smaller than these dimensions, it will get stretched to this larger size. The image you upload must be at least 399 pixels wide.
Cannot include:
  • Price or purchase information, such as “40% off” or “Download it at our website”
  • Contact information, such as web address, email, mailing address or other information intended for your Page’s About section
  • References to user interface elements, such as Like or Share, or any other Facebook site features
  • Calls to action, such as “Get it now” or “Tell your friends”
All cover images are public, which means anyone visiting your Page will be able to see the image you choose. Covers must not be false, deceptive or misleading, and must not infringe on third parties’ intellectual property. You may not encourage or incentivize people to upload your cover image to their personal timelines.

Apps / Tabs

You can highlight what is important at the top of the page now. Right under the Cover Photo you will find your Apps / Tabs. You’ll have a maximum of 12 apps and you can rearrange them in the order that you want to appear.

Review your Page timeline

Hover over a story and click on the star icon to make it wider, or on the pencil icon to pin it to the top of your Page, hide or delete it entirely. This will give you the ability to highlight stories on your Page’s Timeline.
For Example: If you have a Giveaway going on this week, you would want to feature that post at the top of your Fan page so that when people visit it’s the first post they see. Use the Pencil Icon and select Pin Post to Top. After the giveaway is complete simple un-pin the post for it to fall back into the Timeline.

Admin Panel

This I’m most excited about. There is a Messages section now available in Facebook Fan Pages. This will allow fans or others that are not your personal friends to message you from your page. Notifications about new messages will appear right in your admin panel. Everything will be laid out on this page for Admins. Notifications, Insights, New Likes

As with any Facebook update, there are some exciting new features available, but there are also some drawbacks that you should be aware of.
First, I would recommend that you delay upgrading or publishing the new format right away. There are too many variables and design options that would deter you. There is also an issue with page “likes” that I will get to. The best thing to do right now is hold off upgrading your page. You and Facebook have until March 30th right now to figure out the issues, so in the meantime, hopefully these points of interest will help.

If you are viewing this post in a reader, click through here to see the video.

So, what is good about Timeline for pages?

1. REAL ESTATE! If you are familiar with timeline for your personal page you probably know the image area for the cover image is 850 pixels wide x 315 tall. Before, all we had were the 5 little thumbnails across the top of the page and the area on the left. This is prime area for promoting your blog/brand.
2. We also have larger tab areas with the upgrade. Page tabs were 520px wide, and now have been considerably upgraded to 810px. For the height, I believe you can do whatever your heart chooses. Try and keep it simple my friends!
3. If you have previously used apps like WooBox , an Iframe App or maybeMyChaptr  to display HTML content within your fan page, you should be excited! Your old HTML tab pages and other apps pages work with the new upgrade. However, you will want to consider upgrading these tabs in the future.
4. The tabs you use to use on the left side of your Facebook page were tiny little things – almost the size of your favicon you have made for you website that shows in the address bar of your web browser. Well, these are much larger as well; in fact you can now set images up to 111px x 74px to promote your tab app.
With the upgrade only 4 tabs are now visible. The functionality to reorder the tabs is still there, but you can only choose three as you cannot change the PICTURES tab. It is static. There is a drop down menu on the fourth tab that allows you and your fans to see other tabs. To rearrange, click the drop down button on the far right tab. You will then see all your old tabs and all of them will have a drop down so that you can edit the tab. The PICTURES tab will not have a drop down. From there you can assign that space with the tab you choose.
Note: I am currently having an issue with some of the tab apps I have on some of my FAN pages. For some reason I am unable to edit and change the thumbnail. I am working on a solution to this and once I find it I will update this post.
Remember that this upgrade goes live March 30th, so you should start planning your internal Facebook page upgrade now.

What are the drawbacks with Facebook Timeline for pages?

No more landing pages! All users now see your wall, both fans and non-fans. This may be a shocker to some of you just like it was to me. Maybe it was an oversight on Facebook’s part, but rumor has it that Facebook was a not big fan of these landing pages in the first place. It may to be harder to try and convert fans without custom welcome pages..however…don’t forget about that prime real estate you now have at the top to grab people’s attention!
If you are running a fan gated promotion, it is in my opinion (and most other experts I have talked to) to not upgrade your page right away. If a fan were to click LIKE on the promotion tab, Facebook does not currently automatically refresh the page as it use to. In order for the new fan to see the content they would have to refresh the page themselves.

So what should you do next?

First, do not upgrade, especially if you have a custom welcome/landing page! You can play around with the new format, but just don’t publish what you have changed until the bugs are ironed out or you have a new design ready.
Second, you should build a plan of action for all the redesign you will need to manage before March 30. This is especially true for those of you out there that have those custom welcome tabs.
Third, get ready for greatness! This upgrade has the potential to show you and/or your product in a better light.
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