Two new gadgets for bloggers to make blogs better with Google+

As a result, share from +1 by visitors automatically appears to people in their circles whenever your blog shows up in Google search results. Here’s an example:
Google+ Badge
This gadget allows bloggers to connect their blogs to personal profiles or their Google+ page on Google+ besides adding the badge to blogs help connect with their friends, fans, and customers. It enables blog visitors to add bloggers, or the blogs to their circles and follow blog posts on Google+.
Facing challenge from social websites, Google has been working slowly on strategy to move from to a home of information to alternate source of social networking.
On the other side, Facebook is working on a search engine based on its 500 million+ users is an interesting move too. Its worth watching to see future moves by these technology giants.
Till then add the +1 and Google+ brand badge gadgets to your blog today to grow and engage your audience.