Easypaisa Brings Savings Product Reward ‘Easypaisa Khushaal’
Easypaisa brings ‘Easypasisa Khushaal’ a savings producr offering that is introducing rewards with free Life and Accidental Death Insurance. Not all this, with Easypaisa Khushaal, now you have the perfect chance to win exciting rewards including a brand new Honda City car. The more you save, higher is the chance of your winning. There are a total of 33 prizes of different categories.
Easypaisa Khushaal
Product Features:
Ease of Product Subscription: Exciting Mobile Account holders can subscribe to Easypaisa Khushaal by dialling Telenor Pakistan’s helpline 345 from their mobile phones.
Flexibility of Product Subscription: Unlike traditional banking, existing Mobile Accounts holders can subscribe to Easypaisa Khushaal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Free Life and Accidental Death Insurance: Easypaisa Khushaal customers, who maintain an average monthly balance of Rs. 2,000 in their Mobile Account, will receive Life and Accidental Death Insurance absolutely free. In case of nominee will receive Rs. 50,000 whereas in case of accidental death, the nominee will receive Rs. 100,000. This insurance also covers the risks of riots and terrorism.
Exciting Rewards: Easypaisa Khushaal customers, who maintain an average monthly balance of Rs. 2,000 in their Mobile Account, will have the opportunity to win rewards through a quarterly luckydraw. The details of rewards offered is as under: